Very welcome!
If you are visit us it means you want to know how to prevent some diseases that can be spreaded through sexual contact.
Practicing safe sex prevents you from getting an infection and through this blog you will find strategies to carry it out, prevent those diseases, rule out false myths and beliefs that favor their contagion and know how to act in case of infection.
We invite you to investigate our links, news and information that may be useful for you.
Go Ahead!
If you are visit us it means you want to know how to prevent some diseases that can be spreaded through sexual contact.
Practicing safe sex prevents you from getting an infection and through this blog you will find strategies to carry it out, prevent those diseases, rule out false myths and beliefs that favor their contagion and know how to act in case of infection.
We invite you to investigate our links, news and information that may be useful for you.
Go Ahead!
Si nos visitas, significa que quieres saber cómo prevenir algunas enfermedades que se pueden propagar a través del contacto sexual.
Practicar sexo seguro evita que puedas contagiarte con una infección de transmisión sexual, y a través de este blog encontrarás estrategias para llevarlo a cabo, prevenir esas enfermedades, descartar falsos mitos y creencias que favorecen su contagio y saber actuar en caso de infección.
Te invitamos a investigar nuestros enlaces, noticias e información que pueden ser útiles para ti.